Easily half of the women who come to see me as an executive coach identify as “scrappy” and I love it.

I love scrappy women because we’re the ones who found, lead, challenge and forge ahead to new and better outcomes.

Yes it takes determination to start an investment fund, it take guts to launch a software company, it takes willpower to hang your shingle straight out of law school, it takes nerves of steel to walk into the mayor’s office and pitch a controversial funding levy to house the most vulnerable (true stories).

I love your project area, your next big milestone –hearing your vision and dream lights me up and we get to work focusing on the smartest strategy to get you there with a big win.

Here’s what I often find myself reminding each client: you weren’t born fighting.

You were born kind of snuggly actually.

As an adult woman you have cultivated the ability to rise to the challenge, and you did that by confronting something that was blocking you, your ability to fight comes from the things that went wrong.

You learned how to navigate and find your way when the odds were against you (well done).

One of the most important techniques I work on with women who are ready to climb is how to refine your fight.

With my scrappy, driven clients one part of our work together is assessing when to bring the fight (and how to begin with diplomacy) and when to opt out.

Opting out is sometimes the hardest part. It’s better known as “picking your battles” and it makes a huge difference in your outcomes.

Harnessing your fight in a strategic manner is one of the key behavior changes that allow you bridge into your next phase, allowing your expert status and leadership to shine.

Clients nationally (Austin, Brooklyn, Boulder, LA) see me live, online for private strategy sessions and local people see me in my Seattle office (we have hot tea!). The unusual combination of strategy plus targeted healing I apply to your project results in the big victories my clients care about. Email me for details: Laura@LauraClose.com