Your Inner Worklife Needs Work

I’m crazy busy. I’m tired. I’m burnt out. Sometimes even senior-level clients come to us with these very natural, human experiences at work. There’s always an email to be sent, important meeting to attend, and a list of tasks to check off. This type of outer work consumes most of our hours and can make us feel productive and valuable. We show our ambition and drive through these signs of productivity—it’s considered a strength and badge of honor for many.

Unrelenting outer work doesn’t make you a successful employee or more valuable human being, in fact if its unrelenting we may have an issue! When your goals are focused strictly on outer work, inner work may be missed—yet it’s the inner work that is critical to helping the outer work succeed. 

Work is not just about what you do, but also about how you think. 

Thinking is inner work. Inner work sparks creativity and innovation: it looks inward to examine your experiences and authentic self; it gets you moving mentally and physically outside of your comfort zone; and it includes sharing the observations, thoughts, and feelings that arise from inner work activities.

Inner work means investing in your health and in your joy. It may look like self-care, nurtured relationships, sleep, and play. It also consists of activities that bring order to your mind, quieting self-criticism, and exploring your feelings.   

Inner work is vital to your leadership development. It gives clarity and perspective, enhances communication, increases confidence, improves decision making, and enhances relationships.

We coach leaders at CloseCohen to put in the time for inner work. It sets the stage for you to listen deeply to others. It impacts how you feel at work, collaborate with others, and show up as a leader. Our clients and leaders report increased meaning, purpose, and fulfillment at work and at home. 

What’s one thing you can do this week to enhance your inner work?

If you are ready to dive deeper with your inner work, whether you’re feeling stuck, soldiering along, or ready to take it up a notch, contact us to book your executive or career coaching sessions, we’d love to assist.

CloseCohen proudly serves a global portfolio of clients with strong representation from the San Francisco Bay Area, Seattle and Bellevue.