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How do I compete now?

A recent client stared off into the distance past the camera on his laptop while I watched him think “My question is ” he began “–how do I compete now? The market is flooded with candidates, and no one seems to be hiring.”

These are certainly the times that try even the most optimistic of job seekers. Any person would have reason to feel overwhelmed by the news and the reality of the macro-economic landscape.

Finding your next role in a complex environment means staffing up. You’ll need the support of your loved ones, your friends who are employed, and your community of unemployed colleagues as well. Most of all, you need an effective career coach to optimize your performance and keep perspective.

The danger would be to freeze in the face of overwhelm or conversely to go into hyper drive and spread yourself too thin. Doomsday thinking or hyperactivity are both two sides of the same coin. If you find yourself trending in either direction it’s not a personal failure, you are doing the best you can in tough times. The smartest choice is to retain an effective career coach to calibrate and achieve.

At CloseCohen we are your effective career coaching team, having spent years successfully career coaching mid, senior, and executive level candidates. Here is our guidance during this challenging employment market—Candidate-Market Fit; Passion; and Self-Promotion:

1. Candidate-Market Fit:

Have you ever heard of Product-Market fit? It’s how a company makes money, carefully adjusting what they are selling (product) to the customer’s preferences (market). At CloseCohen effective career coaching means we help you nail your Candidate-Market Fit.

2. Passion:

Are you an advocate for the best practices in your niche? How is that represented in your CV, interview process, social media, and live networking? Optimize how you communicate passion for your niche – your Candidate-Market Fit.

3. Self-Promotion:

Now for some of you this is a dirty term, and for others an agreeable step. No matter your emotional reaction to the concept, you must self-promote correctly—and as effective career coaches we ensure that you do just that.

What makes an effective career coach in this very competitive candidate environment?

Our stance at CloseCohen is that an effective career coach provides the things you can’t do alone:

1. Have an outsider perspective – because first and foremost, you don’t know what you don’t know.
2. Get insider tips to optimize your performance in the 2023 digital and economic climate.
3. Accountability to lock in your persistence and consistency once your strategy has been designed and launched.

At the moment, the climb for candidates is steep—staffing up this project with an effective career coach so that you can compete and optimize your outcomes is the right choice and we welcome the opportunity to deliver results for you. Contact us to book your sessions.

CloseCohen proudly serves a global portfolio of clients with strong representation from the San Francisco Bay Area, Seattle and Bellevue.